Help undecided shoppers find the right hero product and boost awareness of accessory offers.
Create a quiz that recommends products and a cross-sell popup that displays on add to cart.
Add to cart rate of 36% on cross-sell popup. Overall 17% AOV boost and 25% increase in gross sales.





Shopify, Klaviyo

DTC slingshot brand SimpleShot lives and dies by the performance of its website.

The big ad platforms go back and forth on whether or not they categorize slingshots as weapons, which can’t be advertised. Meaning it's almost impossible for SimpleShot to rely on ads for growth.

So Head of Marketing, Jacob Forrest, and the team do everything they can to convert new website visitors into customers—and keep those customers coming back.

That means helping customers find the perfect slingshot and encouraging shoppers to buy the right accessories to have a great experience with it—which is where ConvertFlow comes in.

With ConvertFlow, SimpleShot has benefited from a:

  • 36% campaign add-to-cart rate
  • 17% increase in AOV
  • 82% rise in purchases on a key accessory
  • 25% increase in gross sales

Keep reading to find out how SimpleShot personalizes the customer journey to maximize conversions and create great customer experiences.

"ConvertFlow moved into one of those positions of a non-negotiable very quickly. If you asked me what we run on, I would now say Shopify, Klaviyo, and ConvertFlow."

Jacob Forrest
Head of Marketing, SimpleShot

The challenge

Many of SimpleShot’s customers come new to the sport. They've seen a video or social media post and want to try it themselves, but don’t know what slingshot to choose or which accessories to buy.

With more than 20 models of slingshots and dozens of accessories, Jacob says it’s essential to set these shoppers up for success during their first purchase.

When shoppers buy the right slingshot and accessories, they have everything they need for a good experience. So they’re far more likely to use their slingshot and fall in love with it.

Then, they’ll come back for essentials like replacement bands and ammo, and perhaps to experiment with other slingshot styles down the road.

The challenge, then, was to direct new shoppers to the right slingshot for their experience level and needs. Plus, make them aware of the offers SimpleShot runs on complementary accessories once that initial product is added to cart.

"When we put the right product in people’s hands, that will result in them having a better experience. So I know they’ll be back."

Jacob Forrest
Head of Marketing, SimpleShot

The solution

SimpleShot turned to ConvertFlow as a full-funnel solution to guide the customer journey through multiple on-site campaigns.

First up? Get their cross-sell offer on accessories in front of the right shoppers at the right point in the buying journey.

"We already offered a promotion where almost all the accessories are 20% off, as long as you have a slingshot in your cart," said Jacob. "But, that's not the easiest thing to communicate with built-in Shopify features.

"So, the brand used ConvertFlow to launch a cross-sell popup that appears when a shopper adds a slingshot to their cart:

SimpleShot's add-to-cart cross-sell popup. This one reads, "Good choice! Now you get 20% off accessories to go with your Scout X." It includes three products to consider.
Simple Shot's add-to-cart popup

The popup surfaces the offer at exactly the right time and features products that create a great experience for beginner shooters. This leads to customers loving their product and coming back to SimpleShot for more.

Next, SimpleShot moved further up the funnel to increase the number of people adding a slingshot to cart in the first place.

This came in the form of a product recommendation quiz displayed in an exit popup to help new, abandoning shoppers find what they're looking for:

SimpleShot's quiz popup reads "Need help choosing? We can guide you to the perfect slingshot in less than 60 seconds!"0

The key here is that Jacob and the SimpleShot team are identifying abandoning visitors and helping them get back on track quickly (within 60 seconds!).

"From the moment I saw ConvertFlow, I was blown away. It does so much more than what I was looking for."

Jacob Forrest
Head of Marketing, SimpleShot

The results

Since launching the add-to-cart popups in ConvertFlow, SimpleShot has seen:

  • 82% increase in clay ammo purchases
  • 54% increase in purchases of a key bandset
  • 36% campaign add-to-cart rate

Ultimately, this makes for a great first-purchase experience with the right products into customers’ hands.

AOV also saw a 17% lift. And gross sales rose 25%.

Jacob says, “The number of orders held quite steady, so getting more into the cart—and more expensive items—was the trick here.

On top of this, the quiz has seen an 11.6% conversion rate. This means that almost 12 out of every 100 abandoners are now engaging with a product quiz and back on the path-to-purchase instead of leaving the site altogether!

These improvements not only provide the company with more revenue on every order, they give SimpleShot a base for better customer retention.

"Our first application of ConvertFlow was exactly what we needed. It was a clear increase in us being able to get the right products in customers’ hands and guiding them through that journey."

Jacob Forrest
Head of Marketing, SimpleShot